Cup of Soup

This photo was taken on August 21, 2013, just a week later after my birthday. We received a news and an appeal from our office to everyone who is free to assist and help with the distribution of goods and meal to the affected families of Fort Bonifacio in Taguig.

The evacuation center for families which homes were flooded or properties submerged was Beacon International School. I was assigned to document the said event and what my lens captured next is probably one of my favorite photos for the whole time working in a government office.

This might not be a perfect shot but it moved me deeply and made me realized that some things can be taken away from you within seconds, just a glimpse and everything gone. But it also taught me that in every difficult times, you need to look on things that motivates you to go on with life, and be thankful that you are alive and well.

Just look at this child. Despite their house being flooded and most of their properties gone and beyond recovery, he still managed to get up on his knees, and have that hot cup of soup.

The moral is you don’t easily give up just because everything that you worked hard for was taken away from you for giving up also means throwing away all your dreams and everything else that is left. Be thankful and smile, like him after I took this picture.

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