Mount Makiling Revisited

Last weekend, we ventured again and climbed Mount Makiling for the second time since the group I am with failed to triumph the other two summits of the legendary Makiling. It is indeed a marvelous and enchanting rainforest with thick vegetations and tree line.

Flashback to 5 months ago, we were only able to reach summit 3 of Mount Makiling for the unfortunate reason that the other two summits has been closed for cleaning and checking of trails if still passable and safe for mountaineers. It is such a great opportunty and relaxing to know that there is still a mountain such as Makiling with such features that you can only expect from Mountains in Mindanao and other regions that are not populated.

These are some of the shots I managed to take since it started raining and I only have a select gears with me that can only take pictures on a fair weather. Most of the shots were taken along the trail from Batangas going up to the first station of Batangas side of Makiling. At last, a traverse of Makiling. I can no longer ask for more because we finally made it this far, to the other end. That is already something to be proud of.


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