Holiday Season

The past few days have been so busy with all the preparations for Christmas and New Year that I almost forgot that I have this blog. It’s almost hard to catch up with the things that you often do and that neglect is certainly going to happen, because you see, this season gives people a break from work and all the bullshits of life, and to catch up with their friends and reconnect with family, do some binge watching of who knows what everyone watches these days; Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead or some Korean drama that I think most of the people in my generation are fond of.

I prefer gruesome stories like murder and crime, science fiction and thrillers over love story and drama that only makes people emotional. Anyway, enough of that. I have nothing against what you guys want to watch, you’re all free and entitled to whatever you like.

This year is almost over, and a new year is to come. It’s the season where everyone started posting their resolutions, like new me and new life goals. Everyone seems busy these days from finishing some work before the year ends, gift shopping, and preparing list of meals for the holiday. I wonder if they have actually realized what this season is. For me, it’s the time of the year to bond with your family instead of partying outside with other people. Sure your friends are cool people to be with but it’s much more meaningful if time is spent with the people who actually care and been there with you, rather than spending it drinking or whatever. But I’m not saying that we all should stay in the house, because that would be ridiculous to just stay there the whole time this holiday break.

What I just mean to say is, there is a time for that, a time for bonding, a time for gossiping, drinking and shopping or whatever it is on your mind. But right now, make this a time for family. But all of what I’ve said are just me, I do not impose or force you to do the same. It’s my own value in life, and what is actually more important to me. It might be different with other people, or somehow not applicable at all, like for example if you are an overseas worker and you can’t make it back home, for that you sure deserve a beer or two, or if you are actually an asshole who prefers to pass out on parties from drinking all the alcohol there is.

Let’s not make this just about the family thing, or what you and I should do this holiday. Truth is, right now I have not much to do and I just felt I like I should write something about anything, or whatever pops up on my mind while writing this. I’m a little bit tired as well from the days work at home, doing some errands, helping the parents with the preparations and stuff.

There is this aquarium in front of me which my little brother asked my mom to buy him last month, and I think I’m about to kill them all once I’m done writing this post, because the table it is placed is not sturdy enough and is shaky. I should probably move to another table or just go back downstairs to my bed. I’m so bored.

Earlier I was at my room reading this book titled – The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck. It’s a counterintuitive way of living a good life or of not giving a fuck about everything that is going on in our life. To put it simply, it’s a inspirational and a life guide book as well that is not trying hard to be. You decide if it is along the course of reading. In a much shorter note, it teaches you to where you should only give a fuck and what really matters in this life. All the basic stuff.

I am currently at chapter six of this book and it already enlightened me about life issues and where I have been wrong my whole life. It’s not the perfect book to look for a guide in life but it’s the perfect one for me as the author speaks the same language of thought. We both curse all the time, had experienced terrible and heartbreaking moments in life, dealt with all the same issues from how stupid and shallow some people are to what approach I should I give to them and how many instances a simple message can mean so much more than what they actually mean. In short, we both overthinking to the point that we exhaust our mind and fall to depression.

I genuinely think that it’s the problem with most of us today. We all overthink simple problems and make them much more complicated, to the point that we are destroying ourselves and our moods that in result is making us much more complex beings than we already are. We are the problem to an existing problem rather than being the solution or finding a way to fix it. It is like we are making a much more bigger problem by recklessly reacting to problems that we face everyday.

Day 2 of writing this. I suddenly thought that some part of this should be on another article to make a point about it. So for now, we’ll have to take our time and enjoy the holiday. That’s all for now.

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